Wow!! It has been such a long time since I updated this page. All our boys are doing amazing. Caleb is enjoying his summer and is the most amazing big brother!! Elijah is close to TWENTY pounds!! He is thriving and doing well with therapy, though he cries the whole time :( He is able to sit up by himself for a very short period of time. He continues to have that most amazing smile that lights up a room and also continues to inspire people everywhere. Gabriel is such a happy baby. Smiles and laughs all the time. Gabe seems to be meeting milestones on time and is doing great. Our life is amazing and we wouldn't change a thing.
We have been amazed at how God continues to use our boys. We met a woman working at Target and were able to talk with her about our adoption and not only a month later she was holding her beautiful daughter Sofia (who has been blessed with ds) in her arms. Thank you Jesus for letting us be a vessel to that adoption.
We got word this week that we are going to be able to finalize in August. Exciting right??? Yes, very but yet so very scary. We were also told that our attorney fees will be more than double what we thought. So now we are still almost 11,000 yes you read that right away from finalizing both boys.
Unfortunately Elijahs dad "denied" him and we had to get a private investigator , a person to serve him with papers and then ultimately the court to terminate his rights as Elijahs birth dad.
If we don't finalize in August we have to start over with post placement home visits which we have at this point finished. This would obviously cost us a lot more money.
Of one thing we are confident...God started this and He will complete it. We are going to have a garage sale the last weekend in July. If you have anything that you would be willing to donate we would greatly appreciate it. We can pick things up if you need to . If you feel led to donate our paypal button is located on the side of the blog.
Most of all, we ask you to pray, pray, pray that God will work in this in ways we have watched Him all along!! He has blessed us with this amazing family and we would love to give the boys the COFFEE name by August. Lots of Love from all of us!!!