"Adoption means you grew in your mommy's heart instead of her tummy"~unknown

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Post visit....

We are getting ready for one of six post visits...which of course you have to pay for.....:)

Eli is doing well, we love having him home, despite the many appointments a week.  We have seen the cardiologist, pulmonologist, the pediatrician three times, blood work and a chest x-ray.  We have spent several hundred dollars on oxygen and ointment for a granuloma around his g-tube.  Though this may seem daunting to some, we are loving this journey we are on.  The pediatrician we saw today said "wow, what a large mountain you all chose to climb"  Davids response was "actually God called us to climb this mountain and we feel so blessed to have been chosen"  love that man!!!

If you feel led to bless us for our fees to finalize our adoption you can use the button to the right....but most of all we covet your prayers as we continue this journey.  I have been asked by several people if I am going to write a book about our journey.....praying about it.  I want others to know that they can adopt, that no matter whether you are funded or not, if you feel called....listen!!! God will provide, He knows what He is doing and there are no surprises in the amount to Him!!

Thanks for coming on this journey with us!!  We love each and every one of you!!


  1. love David response! I am sure you said "Amen" in your heart:) you are such examples of living by faith. good luck with the post visits. i am sure they will see how much Eli is loved and how well he is being taken care of.
    briana j

  2. You & your family are so inspiring! Thank you for sharing your journey! Lifting your family and Elijah up in prayer.
